Monday, July 21, 2008

First Post

Hey Everyone!

Wow...I never thought I'd be one to use a blog but here I am. I'm excited to just sit down and type what's up. A good friend and I decided that since we spend so much time and money on scrapbooking why not see what we could do if we opened our own store. So we did and is the result.

It's summer so I've been reading a lot and I've read three books on scrapbooking lately that have really excited me...Photo Freedom and The Big Picture by Stacy Julian and The Organized and Inspired Scrapbooker by Wendy Smedley and Aby Garvey. I've been revitalized in my love for scrapbooking. I'd been feeling guilty for having so many unscrapbooked photos and events and overwhelmed at times about getting it all done (anyone else out there feeling that too?). After reading these books I have a new perspective and am inspired again. What put me onto these books was having taken a class with Stacy at a recent scrapbooking convention. If you ever get a chance to take a class from her...DO IT! Anyone else reading any books they'd like to them please.

The newly inspired,

PS I'm a mom of 3 incredibly adorable boys (12, 4, and 10 months) and a wife of one fabulous husband that you can see in the slide show on the sidebar.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your picks for books. Good reads.
