Friday, August 1, 2008

vacationing and scrapbooking

So I just returned from a trip to Mexico with my family. Mexico in July - a little odd I admit - but you can't beat the deals for the all inclusives at this time of year. My 8 year old drank 10 pina coladas (virgin of course!) on our first day!! while I truely relaxed for the first time in a long time on the beach, I kept thinking how fabulous it would be to scrapbook in Mexico - no house to clean, no phone calls to return, no grocery shopping or food preparation - it would be the perfect time to scrapbook. The problem, of course, was I had no supplies with me. How do you guys scrapbook when you travel?


1 comment:

  1. Cute site!! I will have to add it to my blog roll so that you guys can get more people reading it. The only time I scrapbooked while I vacationed was when I got together with a couple of girls and we PLANNED a scrapbooking retreat. We brought our supplies to my parent's condo in Fernie and we spent the entire weekend eating, scrapbooking, hot tubbing and just being girls without hubbies and children. . . . ahhhh those were good times!
